Last week I had to apologize to Perez Hilton. After sympathizing with the Miss CA contestant, I had to eat crow once I learned that she was promoting the Gay Marriage Ban Lobby.
I came to her defense because I felt she was being persecuted for her “personal beliefs”, but it’s painfully evident Mr. Hilton is far more familiar with posers than I gave him credit for.
Everyone is entitled to their “personal preferences”, and I think she had every right to answer the question truthfully, instead of giving a politically correct answer. That being said, her decision to stop others from marrying, in her effort to “Protect The Institution of Marriage” is laughable, at best, especially when you consider the Institution of Marriage can only be protected by the “individuals” that make the commitment to be faithful and support one another, in good times, but especially, when things get rocky, not an Organization, the Government, friends, family, or otherwise.
Initially, my sympathy stemmed from “my personal preference”, which is in line with the contestant, but that being said, I don’t think ANYONE has a right to DICTATE who can and cannot marry.
Marriages are destroyed by many factors, primarily, finances, infidelity, incompatibility, and, A LACK of TRUST ~ COMMUNICATION ~ UNDERSTANDING & COMPROMISE. If two people make the decision to commit to one another, who am I to tell them different?
Married couples, and those who profess to “Protect the Institution” need to concentrate on being a better mate to their partner, and letting their actions serve as an example for those who may choose to take that leap of faith. When about 50% of marriages are ending in divorce, it is all too obvious that the heterosexual community has a plethora of work to do, before they can claim the high moral ground in this argument.
As clandestine as it may seem, isn’t it ironic that a week after she made her “true” intentions known to the world, on prime time television nevertheless, that same medium exposed her risqué photo shoot. Supposedly, she was only 17 when the photographs were taken, and although there is NOT one among us who is without sin, or devoid of past transgressions, it speaks volumes as to how the morally contempt, continue to try to DICTATE our moral compass. Posing for nude pics past/present/future, infidelity, and destructive behavior has probably destroyed many more relationships than the gay community can ever hope to match.
Again, don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house, and if you want to make the world a better place, start in your own backyard. God knows the hearts of every SINGLE one of us. We will be judged accordingly, INDIVIDUALLY. What you do in the dark will come to the light, eventually......
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Blaq Ops Miss California Defends Leaked Photo
AOL / Wire Services
posted: 2 HOURS 1 MINUTE AGO
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AA(May 5) - Miss California USA says a revealing photo of herself appearing on the Web is "quite appropriate" for a model, and she has accused the gossip site that posted it of trying to belittle her Christian beliefs.
"I am a Christian, and I am a model," Carrie Prejean said in a statement. "Models pose for pictures, including lingerie and swimwear photos. Recently, photos taken of me as a teenager have been released surreptitiously to a tabloid Web site that openly mocks me for my Christian faith."
Gossip Web site posted a photo of Miss California USA, Carrie Prejean, wearing only pink panties. The runner-up in April's Miss USA pageant, whose answer to a question about same-sex marriage was highly publicized, said Tuesday the photo was a modeling shot and the site was mocking "my Christian faith." Prejean, now 21, said the photo was taken when she was 17.
A photo of Prejean wearing only pink panties with her back turned to the camera appeared Monday on the gossip blog The site claimed it had six pictures of the beauty queen, but one had been posted.
"I can assure you they were quite inappropriate, and certainly not photos befitting a beauty queen," Alicia Jacobs, a judge at the April 19 Miss USA pageant and a reporter for an NBC affiliate, told
NBC News.
Prejean, 21, also said in her statement that attacks on her and others who "speak in defense of traditional marriage" are intolerant and offensive.
The Miss USA runner-up garnered more media attention than the winner of the pageant for her response to a question about legalizing same-sex marriage and the dispute with openly-gay judge Perez Hilton that followed it.
Her response may have cost her the title, which went to Miss North Carolina.
During the interview portion of the competition, Hilton, a celebrity blogger, asked Prejean about her views on legalizing same-sex marriage.
“I think it’s great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage,” Prejean answered. “And you know what? I think in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that’s how I was raised.”
Hilton apparently did take offense and lambasted Prejean on his blog and in the media, suggesting her response may have cost her the crown.
Prejean has been outspoken in defending her answer.
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2009-05-05 08:54:56