I took a few days in between hearing about the release of Laura Ling and Euna Lee, because I was waiting to hear from the Right Wing. Maybe we should send a Box Set of the True Blood series to every Napoleon complex, Birther, and self serving Radical Extremist for a bit of enlightenment. Perhaps it could permeate the titanium armored ignorance/rhetoric that has been deeply embedded into their souls/psyches.
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Needless to say, 5 days after Fmr. President Clinton’s successful trip, I’m still waiting…. Besides some garbage about U.S. “apologizing” to the North Koreans, this story has been reduced to a relative footnote, just like Tehran, but make no mistake about it, the Administrations approach to these separate, but equally volatile issues was handled quietly, sophisticated, and above all else, diplomatically.
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....North Korea.... doesn’t think we’re weak as a result of the negotiations. This act of diplomacy will not prompt them to ratchet up their nuclear program, or launch preemptive strikes against the West. On the contrary, maybe we will FINALLY, after 60 years of senseless political posturing, engage in civil and sensible dialogue. While we’re at it, let’s lift the embargos on ....Cuba.... too.
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Just like the Iranian election fiasco. The best thing we could have EVER done was extricate ourselves from the conversation. Why inflame an already volatile situation with “empty” or “provocative” rhetoric, which would have done nothing but justify every Middle Eastern Radical/Extremists perception of the West. Not much in the headlines now about this story either.
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It would have been disingenuous, lest we forget about our own voting fraud (er fiasco) just a few years back.
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I only wish every single Extremist around the globe (particularly those under 40) could watch the entire True Blood series. It is refreshing to see the message of TOLERANCE delivered so cleverly on a prime time platform. Last night’s episode epitomizes the strength that is displayed when someone (something) so supremely powerful and formidable uses diplomacy instead of bullets to settle a dispute.
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It displayed how much character it takes to utilize this approach, and how it can even make some of your most loyal subjects conspire against you…. But guess what, if they are treasonous, envious, conniving, or power hungry opportunists, it’s better you get rid of them sooner rather than later anyway.
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When a powerful entity (i.e. Godrick) governs in a compassionate but firm manner it only makes it stronger. Had we taken this approach to ....Iraq...., our unemployment numbers are probably halved right now, or better. WE WILL NEVER LIBERATE THE MIDDLE EAST WITH BULLETS. Many people in that region have been suffering longer than most of us have been alive. Death is often a welcomed consequence.
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I’m not saying we should not retaliate with every single weapon in the arsenal {{{IF WE ARE ATTACKED DIRECTLY BY A NATION/COUNTRY}}}, but many more lives and resources will be saved if we just learned to dispute our differences diplomatically. Not only does it make you stronger, but it also gives you an unquestioned upper hand if the need for force ever arises.
I continue to HOPE we will evolve as Global Citizens and not as adversaries, driven by some ideologues thirst for power, hatred or insecurity. Our collective futures may very well depend on it. When will we learn, only the “people” suffer when we relent to fear and demagoguery. FWYH, it takes far more strength and character to govern justly, especially when you are “CLEARY” stronger than your adversary. The masses got it twisted. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!
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