Thursday, January 31, 2008


My friends, if you had the pleasure to watch this DEBATE, you have to know that we just witnessed something very special.

They continually resisted attempts from the moderators to drag them into the mud. Some perceive this to be weakness (spin), but I think it is the greatest achievement in the campaign thus far. The best campaign EVER, in my estimation.

They debated the issues in a mature, concise, and intellectual manner. And they articulated their ideals, and how to achieve those goals, brilliantly. They clearly have the American peoples interest at the forefront of BOTH campaigns.

A lot of people are resigned to the fact that this is beyond their control, and we will always be screwed in the end, but one thing is for sure, if we continue to remove ourselves from the process, we have no RIGHT to complain about ANYTHING.

This is clearly a historical moment, in one of the most difficult periods in our history. Contrary to popular belief, we do have the power to affect change. Either one of these candidates are clearly better than the alternative.

Again, get out and vote. I am a registered Independent. I did this on purpose, because I wanted to hear what everyone had to say. That being said, both candidates expressed themselves passionately, and whoever gets the nomination, they will have my vote, and I hope they have yours too.

I'm glad they brought up the possibility of a Barack-Hillary, Hillary-Barack ticket, and if that's what we end up with, there will definitely be a new day in America. The road will be difficult, but the end result will be better quality of life for every single PERSON, regardless of race, sex, color, creed, sexual preference or otherwise.

Let's get it together people. The voting public is setting records in regards to the Democratic primary. Obviously, many are fed up with the status quo. Make your voices heard. All of our futures are swinging in the balance. I have never been prouder to be an American than I was this evening. God Bless you all..............................

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