Thursday, March 13, 2008



In regards to the recent Gov. Spitzer incident, I believe it is time that our leaders realize the OLDEST PROFESSION in the world is not going away any time soon. Prosecuting, condemning, judging, and ultimately, imprisoning ADULT individuals for consensual sexual behavior is unrealistic, disingenuous, and extremely hypocritical.

Would she have been ok if she slept with him for free, for a happy meal, or if he promised to splurge on a shopping spree in the future? According to the law, yes, but the real problem here is that a married man, cheated on his wife. Everything else is trivial. I feel sorry for his wife and kids, but if a single adult, or, a married individual receives authorization from their spouse, they should be able to do whatever they want to do.

What are they afraid of. Do they think a majority of women will run out and become escorts if they legalize it. Most of the most powerful men throughout history have been guilty of infidelity. As for women.... Yah'll catching up FAST!!! Trust me, I know some of you personally, real personal. That being said, I think it's better for someone to pay an escort, rather than carry on in a pseudo side relationship. At least once they pay the escort, it's over. Only if the they get turned out will they see him/her again. Most of the time, they'll go for something new.

Did you guys hear about the Iranian "TOP COP - Reza Zarei", who got caught with SIX NUDE STRIPPERS (3/13/08 NY POST) in a local brothel. Word is, he has been cracking down, and enforcing the Islamic dress code, and Morality Laws. "Under his crackdown, hundreds of young people were tossed into jail for violating the Islamic code of behavior."

Straight up, most people can't afford to pay $250.00, $500.00, or $2000.00 an hour for sex. Most of the people tricking are wealthy and/or powerful. They are the very ones who keep the industry thriving. The zealots from the Middle East routinely come to America to "soil their royal oats". Then they return home and persecute the "commoners" for the slightest hint of sexuality, infidelity, or perceived promiscuity.

The only way we can effectively/justly enforce this law would be to monitor each individuals “private” sex life, and spending habits. How many men/women have a Sugar Daddy/Momma? How many men/women have a Mistress/Boy Toy on the side that they actively support, and trick on? Is that not, essentially, the same thing? What, just because someone does it outright, or, ON DEMAND, and someone else does it in secrecy, or by deception, that makes it acceptable?

No doubt, countless people around the globe are victimized by human trafficking, but by making prostitution a CRIME, we only exacerbate these problems.
It goes without question that we need some type of laws in place to protect children, and those who may have morality issues with this behavior, but we already have these laws on the books.

1. An adult cannot engage in a sexual act/conduct with a minor.
2. You cannot solicit or engage in a sexual act in public.
3. You cannot hold someone, or move them beyond 10ft, against their will.
4. DON'T CHEAT ON YOUR SPOUSE, UNLESS IT'S AUTHORIZED BY YOUR SPOUSE (not officially a law, but the courts$$$$ and your conscious will get you).


Decriminalizing it would in effect, reduce the number of lives that are interrupted/destroyed, and stop the stigma associated with it as well. We’re all in denial if we don’t think this will go on for ever. A married man/woman should never cheat on their spouse, but that is not reality, and it is an entirely separate topic of discussion.

I much prefer to have somewhere an Adult can go to ease their tension, stress, relax, or fulfill their desire for physical pleasure instead of doing it in secrecy in order to avoid retribution. Most things done in the light are better. Most of the individuals claiming to have highest morality standards, are usually the most deviate in their private lives. How many more examples do we need (Sen. Criag/ Rev. Haggard/ Gov. Spitzer/ M. Foley), the list goes on and on and on.

Let God be the judge. If you really believe in a true and just God, STOP TRYING TO BE HIM!!! Clean up your own backyard. Stay celebate until you're married. Don't swear. Eradicate your personal vices. Don't Sin PERIOD!!! But stop persecuting people man. As long as they are not hurting/endangering someone else, let them find their own salvation. Stop forcing it down their throats, ESPECIALLY if you're engaging in the very same ACTS.

I would love to hear opposing views/arguments/etc, as to why you disagree. Maybe one day we’ll get it right, and stop being HYPOCRITES. In most cases that I’ve been exposed to, this is a totally victimless crime. What you do with your body, should be no one else's business, as long as you DO NOT HURT ANYONE ELSE, PERIOD!!!!!!!!

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