Thursday, May 8, 2008

Fuzzy Math

There will always be fear mongering and deception by the Right wing, as usual, but look at the numbers. Hillary’s support is not as overwhelming among the "while + blue collar" voters as they are claiming. At the end of the day, I think"most" people realize Obama is clearly the most refreshing candidate to hit the stump since Bill Clinton, whether or not they are willing to accept his multiracial (NOT JUST AA) background, shows just how much we need CHANGE in this country.

What he lacks in experience, I believe he will make up for with SOUND JUDGEMENT (i.e. Iraq/Gas Tax issues/ Healthcare/Rev. Wright/Foreign Diplomacy/ Economy/ and G. Ferraro), because as much as they want to paint him as an "elitist" he is more down to earth than any candidate we've ever had in this country, and hands down more like you and I than Hillary or McCain...... not to mention the man is brilliant!!!! Is intelligence to be equated with elitism&arrogance nowadays? Listening to the rhetoric on the campaign trail it certainly sounds that way. But that's how tricknowledgy (my word) works. It panders to your fears, and to the ignorant, close minded, stubborn, and racist groups among us, which is the age old practice called "DIVIDE AND CONQUER". Been working like a charm for thousands of years, don’t see why they would change their tactics now.

Supposedly, he is losing strength because of the affluent/college educated/ independent/African American/ GOP converts/ and the Youth vote, but that sounds like a vigorous, and supremely diverse campaign to me. No disrespect to anyone, but are we to believe the process will be undermined by uneducated, racist, and poor suburban southern voters? They will do what they have to, and that's why it is an inherent responsibility for EVERY ABLE BODIED citizen to vote whenever a Democratic candidate finally emerges from this race.

We CANNOT allow the pundits to disseminate their rhetoric and "SPIN" it into reality any longer. They only hope to decrease the enthusiasm a majority of the country had in anticipation of W leaving office. And, WE CANNOT LET THEM DO THIS to U.S. AGAIN!!!!!! Been to the grocery store, on the train, on the highways, to the supermarket lately? Seen how many GI's are getting screwed out of the GI bill they earned putting their lives on the line? Seen how destitute these same "warriors" are when they return home only to find they have no financial security, support, or employment opportunities.

Have you spoken to a customer service rep lately, after hours? Are there any Americans willing to do these jobs?????? The mortgage crisis, gas prices, etc, etc, etc. It is never ending!!!!!!! Seems like the only thing the GOP has been successful in doing is widening the gap between the rich and the poor. Soon there will be no middle class, it will be just the Rich and the Poor. We are well on our way... A recent survey stated that an extremely high number of Americans, even $$$$deca millionaires, are feeling the financial crunch.

One thing is for sure O has his work cut out for him, but I know he will have very few chances to screw up because they will scrutinize every decision he makes whether it's a good idea or not. But this is to be expected when you're the first minority ANYTHING (especially if you're a black man). I've been plugged into the campaign from the very beginning, and I haven't seen Obama cower under pressure yet. I don't care what they say; I believe the country realizes we need to go in a different direction. To vote for a GOP candidate just to "spite" the party, or, to express their disappointment because Hillary didn't win, is PURE IGNORANCE, and if that is the case, the country deserves whatever it gets as a result. But I still hope we can collectively WAKE UP, and stop being so F#@$%^& stupid.

** More @ ****

God bless everyone……………………

*** from CNN *****
By Alexander Mooney
CNNWASHINGTON (CNN) -- He has publicly urged Republicans to vote for Sen. Hillary Clinton to keep the divisive Democratic nomination fight alive, but talk radio host Rush Limbaugh said Wednesday he really wants Sen. Barack Obama to be the party's nominee.Rush Limbaugh urged listeners in states with open primaries to cross party lines and support Hillary Clinton.
"I now believe he would be the weakest of the Democrat nominees," Limbaugh, among the most powerful voices in conservative radio, said on his program. "I now urge the Democrat superdelegates to make your mind up and publicly go for Obama."

"Barack Obama has shown he cannot get the votes Democrats need to win -- blue-collar, working-class people," Limbaugh said. "He can get effete snobs, he can get wealthy academics, he can get the young, and he can get the black vote, but Democrats do not win with that."But Jamal Simmons, a Democratic strategist and Obama supporter, disagreed, saying the Democratic Party has "the best coalition to go out and talk to people across racial lines, which are the unions."

If Obama wins the nomination, he said, support from unions should help him gain support among blue-collar workers when "they don't have to choose between two Democrats."Among the Democratic candidates, Clinton has had the advantage with working-class and middle-income voters, though Obama has increased his support in that demographic, according to exit polls.In the March 4 Ohio primary, Clinton won voters who made under $50,000 by 14 points. In the April 22 Pennsylvania primary, that advantage was down to 8 points. And in the Indiana primary, exit polls showed the two candidates evenly split among those voters.

For months, Limbaugh urged his listeners in states with open primaries to cross party lines and support in an effort he has dubbed "Operation Chaos." The conservative talk show host has said the Republican Party will benefit from a protracted Democratic race that grows more bruising by the week.It remains unclear how much influence Limbaugh has actually wielded. The campaign estimates 7 percent of Clinton's vote in Indiana could be attributed to crossover Republicans. According to Indiana exit polls, Clinton did win the Republican vote by 8 percentage points, but those voters made up only 10 percent of the electorate. Watch an analysis of Tuesday's primaries Sen. John Kerry -- an Obama supporter -- credited Clinton's win entirely to Limbaugh."Rush Limbaugh was tampering with the primary," he said on a conference call with reporters. "If it was not for Republicans taking Democratic ballots, [Obama] would have won."But CNN senior political analyst Bill Schneider disagrees."There is a slightly measurable effect, but it is not the reason she won Indiana," he said. "She dominated the Democratic vote, and two-thirds of the voters were Democratic."Self-identified Republicans voting in previous Democratic primaries have been more evenly split between Clinton and Obama.

In Ohio, the GOP vote broke evenly, with Clinton and Obama winning 49 percent each. And in Texas, Obama won the Republican vote by 7 points.On his show Wednesday, Limbaugh declared "Operation Chaos" a success."We have done our part to expose Obama through our support of 'Operation Chaos,' effectively using the Clinton campaign as our foil, and Obama and the Democrat Party are the weaker for it," he said. "Every objective has been met and surpassed."But has Limbaugh successfully advantage the Republicans heading into November? Republican strategist and CNN contributor Rich Galen says yes."As this thing grinds down to the last three and a half weeks, I think keeping this going between the two sides may well have some significant impact as we move down toward the fall campaign," he said.

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