Tuesday, October 28, 2008


With exactly a week left in the most important national election, in a long time (my lifetime at least), if I see the media focus on one more misguided, aloof, bigoted, racist, narrow minded, dumbed down voter who says, “I’m voting for the Obama because, I hope he will be the Nations first Black President”, I am going to lose my mind!!!!!!!

To be brutally honest, I have just as much contempt for those idiots, as the Nazi @$$#*!$ who were arrested yesterday. They were obviously reckless, and stupid, but I am more concerned with those who may have more sophisticated and clandestine plots on their agenda, in an effort to derail progress. I pray to GOD it NEVER happens….

Although I’m concerned, I am not afraid for Obama’s safety, nor should he be. There will be no progress without sacrifice. Any time you try to do something good, HATERS, without a doubt, will always try to cut you down. That reality, unfortunately, comes with the territory, but you should NEVER let it deter you from completing/pursuing the task at hand.….

To vote for someone on the premise of race, to me, is an overt admission of IGNORANCE. Early in the primary campaign, I was torn between Sen. Clinton, and Sen. Obama.
Although their policy stances mirror each other greatly, as the race progressed, I gravitated towards Sen. Obama based on his debating skills, his ability to remain above the fray, and stay on message, no matter how ugly or contentious the competition got.

No disrespect to Sen. Clinton, but I also felt Sen. Obama was the least polarizing candidate, he represented the best opportunity to break from the “old” Washington politics as usual ideology, and invoke REAL change, NOW!!!

Sen. Obama is intelligent, articulate, an excellent communicator, he has surrounded himself with competent advisors, he is cool calm&collective, and I am convinced, he has a firm grasp on the “Issues” that need to be addressed, in order to move the Nation forward.

The fact that he is the first Black candidate in our Nations history is a proud moment for all intelligent/forward thinking people, not to mention people of color, and icing on the cake as far as I’m concerned, but that’s NOT the reason I am, or, WE should, vote for him.

I do believe we are on the cusp of a great moment in history. Dr. King dreamed of the day we could judge ALL PEOPLE “not based on the color of their skin, but on the content of their character.” I truly hope Nov 4th is an indicator that dream is finally coming to fruition.

In my estimation, anyone who votes on the premise of race is no better than the racist idiots spewing rhetoric (Pro-Black Militant/ Socialist/ Communist), the baseless character assassinations against his background (middle name Hussein/ Muslim/ Elitist), or those who try to mislead the public into believing we will be in “eminent danger”, should he be victorious. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and in my opinion, those types of voters are IGNORANT COWARDS, who should have their voting privileges REVOKED, permanently!!! (Good thing we live in a Democracy, right? LOL)

I am a pessimist by experience, but deep down inside, I am an eternal optimist. Although this world will never be Utopian, “Life” naturally, will always present adverse and challenging situations to us all. Rising to meet those challenges however, in an intellectual, measured, and responsible manner, is HUMANITY at its best. I yearn for the day when “civilization”, for the most part, epitomizes the definition of the word, and we can move forward in unison, as the “HUMAN RACE.

Memo to the idiots: Get informed, and make an educated choice Nov 4th, based primarily, on your “best” interests, and the interests of your family, your community, this Nation as a whole, and the WORLD in general……. We all share this planet, like it or not.

I am a firm believer that absolute power corrupts absolutely, but in this instance, a filibuster proof Washington is almost necessary in order to right the wrongs of the past 8 years. Believe me, if the Democrats are successful, and if Obama and/or Congress abuses this power, I will be just as vocally critical of their performance as I have been of the current administration.

As I am an Independent, first and foremost, I am optimistic that in future elections the RNC will realize the error in their ways, and select representatives based on their intellectual capacity, experience, and the interests of ALL Americans, in order to restore the checks and balances that we need to keep misguided representatives who may get inebriated by power over the next 4 years, from going astray and running amok with the political process, after order has been restored.

Once the race is over, the new President will have to focus and work much harder than recent predecessors. Both the DNC&RNC will need to focus on grooming future candidates in all branches of Government, whether they are White, Black, Latino, Asian, male, or female.
If Obama succeeds in implementing the CHANGE he has based his platform on, I believe the Nation will benefit from a multitude of opportunities/wealth, and if it comes to fruition, a great responsibility will accompany that progress. We will be ill served if we squander those opportunities, or go backwards, again. By no means can we let that happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That being said, I will try to refrain from sending you guys anything else political in nature up through Nov 4th, but something tells me I won’t be able to keep my promise, LOL. If you agree please forward this blog to your less enlightened friends, family, and associates. Hope all is well everyone….

Barack the vote Nov 4th!!!!!

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