Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Plaxico Burress finally has done what his critics have, without good reason, predicted since he started acting up. His indecision has affected the TEAM, adversely.

Common sense should have sunk in, the writing was on the wall, and his fear of being a "TARGET" had merit, but unfortunately, he was lulled into a false sense of invincibiliity, and willfully BLASTED his way into the abyss, which is LAW ENFORCEMENT, who have no qualms about voicing their dislike of "Hip Hop", "Thug", or "Urban" culture. Especially when it is exemplified/glorified by multi millionaires.

The LEADER of our exhaulted defense is now caught in the snare. I can sympathize with Pierce because I too have found myself in the precarious position of putting my freedom in jeapordy, in order to protect a "friend".

I have no regrets because I did what I did out of instinct/love for an otherwise good person, but most importantly, it was a "victimless" incident.

Make no mistake, I was LUCKY to escape unscathed, and if I got caught, I would have had to accept the consequences, because I knew what I was getting myself into, and I am my own man at the end of the day.

That being said, if Antonio winds up getting into serious trouble, I blame Plax, and only Plax. Pierce may have done something wrong, but he tore into Plax before trying to help him and the organization avoid unecessary scrutiny. Especially at a time when the TEAM is seriously making another run at the ultimate TEAM goal, which is a championship.

Plax gets NO sympathy. He had the money to get licences that would have allowed him to legitimately carry his weapon(s), but he was complacent, now that may seriously interrupted an otherwise brilliant TEAM effort, and his family suffers as well.

I'm so grateful no one else got shot. I hope this serves as a lesson to us all. Promoting that bullshit gets US NOWHERE!!!! Especially the "Hip Hop"/ "Urban" community.

I AM representative of the urban/AA Gen Next culture. I was raised listening to Hip Hop. I had to decide for myself what was right and wrong. I hate to see us continue to kill ourselves/careers, and lose our wealth/freedom, especially when so many pray for our downfall.

You have a right to protect yourself, but especially if you got cake, you have a primal responsibility to legitimize your shit, in order to ensure the very people you love or care about are not affected, or, implicated by your bullshit.


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