Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Dear NY Post,

As an independent Black man, I have often grappled with the idea, and in certain cases, found validity to the arguments that "some" African Americans use Racism as a crutch for social inequities.

That being said, there has been endless debate recently in regards to the continued celebration of Black History month, and ending affirmative action programs due to the "apparent" advancements/progress our nation, as a whole, has made in regards to racial equality, however, if S. Delonas' cartoon is any indication, clearly, racism is alive, well, and more subliminally sophisticated than many of us are readily willing to admit.

If this piece is any indication, as a society, we still have A LOT of work to do. It is painfully evident that "progress" has eluded the decision makers at the New York Post, and the grievances of those who relentlessly continue to fight for racial equality has been vindicated as well.

Sean Delonas’ depiction of a monkey being shot dead, followed by the caption "They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill" is offensive, particularly to Black people. Not to mention the current Commander in Chief, who happens to be an extremely well educated, well spoken individual of color, a refreshing dose of optimism for all Americans, and the world abroad. (2/18/09 Cartoon by S. Delonas)

I have read the Post and the Daily News virtually every single weekday, for over 7 years, and although some of your cartoons/articles are controversial, this is the first time I have ever felt OVERWHELMINGLY OFFENDED by one of your pieces. I asked the opinions of many of my peers before writing this letter, and not one person, of any race, could justify this piece, or deny it's racial connotations.

If someone from your organization does not publicly denounce the piece, make an attempt to clarify Sean's intent, and/or apologize for the sheer offensive nature of this cartoon, I am afraid you will lose many of your subscribers, and I personally, will lead the campaign encouraging everyone within my social network to discontinue reading your paper, immediately!!!!!

In light of this year’s historic election, and the Bi-Centennial commemoration of Abraham Lincoln, this is a slap in the face to all people of color, and should be reprehensible to ALL forward thinking/intelligent HUMAN BEINGS.

Patrick C. Montero
A.K.A. Blaq Ops

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