Monday, January 14, 2008

The road to redemption continues.........

That's two down, and two to go!! But ALL focus must be directed at GreenBay now. I suggest we practice in the most unaccommodating weather, all week. We should head to the Albany practice field, where we could prepare for some real game time situations; and pump up the loudspeaker system while we're at it.

Redemption road has officially been laid. By no means am I being cocky, and I hope the veteran leadership conveys that message to the younger guys as well, because you must focus more intently, every step forward.

We have finally beat J. Garcia in the playoffs, and we finally beat Dallas+T.O. this season (first playoff meeting ever). Contrary to popular opinion, Eli doesn't need to outplay Favre.. Just like he didn't need to outplay Romo this week. He just needs to stay within himself, read the defense, stay composed, throw it away if you have to, and just play like he has the past three weeks. The rest will be decided by our defense.

Win or lose, as long as we "play well", I am very satisfied with the Giants season thus far. Way to go Blue!!!!!!! I'm a proud Giants fan this morning.

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