This ad is slanderous, and irresponsible. By no means is the following a characterization of EVERYONE voting for McCain, but I believe, the blatant, racist, and fear mongering tactics resonates with the most biased and narrow minded members of the American electorate, and reflects the tone of the McCain campaign, in a NUTSHELL……….

This is it!!!!!!! I have had it with the McCain campaign. Out of sheer desperation for victory, his campaign is resorting to even more despicable tactics than his predecessor, whom he is desperately trying to distance himself from NOW, in light of W's tremendous unpopularity (lowest approval rating for a sitting President EVER). Has anyone even seen him lately????? I was in the building on 9/11, and by the grace of God, I escaped unscathed. To insinuate that an Obama victory would put the Nation in DANGER, and circulating the ad below, with the picture of an aircraft at an airport (see RNC mailer below), is offensive to me personally, and, a crass attempt to regain/hold on to the lead in crucial swing states, and is truly reprehensible, to say the least. This only shows how desperate they want to WIN, and his campaign has successfully outdone the Bush campaign in the area of CLASS, or, lack thereof (re: Bush campaign attacks on Sen. McCain's bi-racial daughter out of wedlock false + being brainwashed by the Vietcong, also false) from the previous election. It is a cowardly act. Although the Senator's service to his country is NOT debatable, his state of desperation has disintegrated any remaining respect I had for him, and, destroys his claim of being "above partisan politics".
The mere insinuation that we will be “weaker” because Obama is open to dialogue, instead of continuing the preemptive “Bush Doctrine” policy, is just more right wing FEAR MONGERING.
As FDR was quoted, “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself”.
Theodore Roosevelt said, “To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or, that we are to stand by the President right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American Public”.
Abraham Lincoln protested that “The Mexican-American war, as an unnecessary and unconstitutional war of conquest, designed to add more slave states to the union”. He was right, of course. It was a direct precursor to our Civil War.
True times have changed, but intelligent and forward thinking has no expiration date, and is NEVER, a sign of weakness. On the contrary, it demonstrates the highest levels of character, courage, bravery, and integrity.
The GOP’s stubbornness, and isolation of power ideology, has bankrupted their political stock, and has virtually bankrupted the Nation financially, as well.
If Sen. Obama is not elected the 44th President of the United States, it will be because they have succeeded in pandering to the ideologies that further DIVIDE ALL AMERICANS. That would, potentially, set back progress another decade, and it would truly be a travesty, of monumental proportions.
Even his own campaign advisors suggested that if “McCain keeps talking about the Economy, he will lose”. What does that tell you? To me, it suggests that he has NOTHING else to talk about, PERIOD!!!! And, his position on issues that matter to Americans the most, is lacking, baseless, misleading, and, NOT in the interests of most of U.S.
This ad is slanderous, and irresponsible. By no means is the following a characterization of EVERYONE voting for McCain, but I believe, the blatant, racist, and fear mongering tactics resonates with the most biased and narrow minded members of the American electorate, and reflects the tone of the McCain campaign, in a NUTSHELL………. BARACK THE VOTE NOV 4TH!!!!!!
More @: http://blaqops.blogspot.com/
The mere insinuation that we will be “weaker” because Obama is open to dialogue, instead of continuing the preemptive “Bush Doctrine” policy, is just more right wing FEAR MONGERING.
As FDR was quoted, “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself”.
Theodore Roosevelt said, “To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or, that we are to stand by the President right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American Public”.
Abraham Lincoln protested that “The Mexican-American war, as an unnecessary and unconstitutional war of conquest, designed to add more slave states to the union”. He was right, of course. It was a direct precursor to our Civil War.
True times have changed, but intelligent and forward thinking has no expiration date, and is NEVER, a sign of weakness. On the contrary, it demonstrates the highest levels of character, courage, bravery, and integrity.
The GOP’s stubbornness, and isolation of power ideology, has bankrupted their political stock, and has virtually bankrupted the Nation financially, as well.
If Sen. Obama is not elected the 44th President of the United States, it will be because they have succeeded in pandering to the ideologies that further DIVIDE ALL AMERICANS. That would, potentially, set back progress another decade, and it would truly be a travesty, of monumental proportions.
Even his own campaign advisors suggested that if “McCain keeps talking about the Economy, he will lose”. What does that tell you? To me, it suggests that he has NOTHING else to talk about, PERIOD!!!! And, his position on issues that matter to Americans the most, is lacking, baseless, misleading, and, NOT in the interests of most of U.S.
This ad is slanderous, and irresponsible. By no means is the following a characterization of EVERYONE voting for McCain, but I believe, the blatant, racist, and fear mongering tactics resonates with the most biased and narrow minded members of the American electorate, and reflects the tone of the McCain campaign, in a NUTSHELL………. BARACK THE VOTE NOV 4TH!!!!!!
More @: http://blaqops.blogspot.com/
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