Thursday, October 16, 2008


I finally have a grievance with Sen. Barack Obama. Although, I applaud his performance, and commend him for remaining unflappable during the entire campaign, I believe he has not thoroughly defended himself personally, or his policies, when McCain goes on the offensive. I’m not saying he needs to go “Nuclear”, but retort a little more forcefully, and lay out the differences in policy, more CLEARLY.

I know Sen. Obama is attempting to be “graceful”, since he is currently leading in the polls, but with Election Day less than a month away, and, since it was the FINAL debate, I feel as though it was a missed opportunity to deliver the proverbial, KNOCK OUT PUNCH, to the opposition, particularly with the “Redistribution of Wealth” accusation.

When Sen. McCain referenced “Joe the Plumber” as his example on how he is going to fight for the Middle Class, my blood began to boil, and I almost lost it. Why didn’t Sen. Obama use this as an opportunity to clarify more effectively, how OUT OF TOUCH Sen. McCain is with the plight of the Middle Class, which consists of a MAJORITY OF AMERICANS?

Sen. Obama reiterated that McCain has voted in line with the Bush administration in regards to the economy, over 90% of the time, but he should have used the “Joe the Plumber” example to blow McCain’s theory/policy completely out of the water.

First of all, I don’t know about you, but I don’t know too many Middle Class “Joe ANYTHINGS” earning 250K+ annually. If Sally the secretary, Ben the bus driver, Chris the cop, Tim the teacher, and Craig the carpenter, don’t have enough disposable income to consume goods and services, after barely being able to take care of their primary cost of living expenses, even if Joe the plumber benefits in the short term from a tax freeze, his business (many businesses for that matter) will continue to fail in the long term.

Wall Street is a glaring example of that fact, and the Bush administration’s failed “Trickle Down” economic policies are directly implicit, in the demise of our markets.

Our economy sustained growth throughout the Bush years, but with jobs being outsourced at a break neck pace, the cost of living (gas/housing/food/etc) spiraling out of control, the Trillion$+ war, the nearly Trillion$ Wall Street bail out, although a small minority may have profited enormously during this period, a majority of Americans have been inundated by the financial squeeze, finding it increasingly difficult to sustain a moderate quality of life.

The current economic catastrophe is indicative of this troubling trend.
Jobs were NOT CREATED during this period, a staggering number of jobs were actually LOST. As a result, our institutions are FAILING, retail sales are DECLINING, COSTS continue to $$$RISE out of control. and investment portfolios have been DECIMATED, which will result in further JOB LOSSES, PROFITS/REVENUE will continue to DECLINE, decreased TAX REVENUES, ENTITLEMENT cut backs, further INFRASTRUCTURE NEGLECT, and an ever increasing NATIONAL DEBT$$$$, for U.S. ALL, without end, if responsible action is not taken NOW!!!!

WASTEFUL spending should be cut across the board, and we need to preserve the American way of life, but not at the expense of vital services, quality of life, education, and our collective futures. We don’t need BIG GOV’T, but we do need ACCOUNTABILITY, OVERSIGHT, & TRANSPARENCY. Socialism is not the answer, but we’re all inherently responsible for the well being of our Nation, similar to when we call up our young men and women to sacrifice their lives in combat, but the difference here is, this is only money, which is material, and can always be replaced.

We should take heed from the history of past civilizations. Greed begets more GREED, and absolute power CORRUPTS, ABSOLUTELY, EVERY TIME!!!!!! Big business does NOT deserve, and should NOT continue to receive Billions in tax breaks, if they are not creating jobs/wealth for the ENTIRE American constituency, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents alike.

If we don’t make a significant reinvestment in America, by putting an emphasis Education/Healthcare/Entitlement programs, Border Security, and, initiating dialogue with “rogue” Nations, this deficiency in leadership is far more detrimental to our National Security than misleading quotes about “palling around with terrorists (Ayers a 60’s radical)” or Rev. Wright (insignificant)!!!!

Ensuring a majority of Americans remain gainfully employed, and able to consume goods and services without flinching with every $$dollar$$ spent, is a good thing. By keeping the Middle Class strong, businesses are ensuring their own viability, and ability to generate revenue over the LONG TERM.

So what if they pay a slight increase in taxes now. As a single middle class American, I get absolutely no tax relief year after year, why are the rich complaining about an increase? If the end result enables businesses to remain profitable for the foreseeable future, what exactly is the drawback??? Besides, how are we going to BEGIN to put a dent in the National Debt, if people can’t consume and profits are disappearing?

Sen. Obama, I implore you. Make the case to the American public, in a clear concise manner, utilizing “layman” terms, since a great many of your critics accuse you of being “professorial” (intelligent), “slick” (smooth/calm) and too “charismatic” (likeable), as if those traits have ever been characterized as deficiencies in the past. But we don’t have to go there.

Lay out the differences in black and white, and emphasize why our entire economy needs a correction NOW, and how a progressive tax policy will benefit ALL AMERICANS in the long run, THEN……. let the chips fall where they may.


Yours truly,
Blaq Ops

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