Thursday, October 30, 2008


Check out the demands the Iraqi Gov't, which we liberated, is making on U.S. now!!!! Good thing we are spending $10Billion a month securing their freedom, huh?

I'm sure an agreement will be reached soon, but the demands, alone, are ludicrous considering how much GI blood, and Tax payer loot that has been SACRIFICED.


BAGHDAD - Iraq wants a security agreement with the United States to include a clear ban on American troops using Iraqi territory to attack Iraq's neighbors, a government spokesman said yesterday, three days after a dramatic US raid on Syria.

Government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said the proposed amendment was among several forwarded to Washington, where President Bush said negotiators were analyzing them. "We obviously want to be helpful and constructive without undermining basic principles," Bush said.

Al-Dabbagh said the Iraqis want the right to declare the agreement null and void if the United States unilaterally attacks one of Iraq's neighbors.

US troops launched a daring daylight attack Sunday a few miles into Syrian territory, killing senior al Qaeda figure Abu Ghadiyah.

Al-Dabbagh said other amendments sought by the Iraqis include a clear definition of "duty" when cases arise involving crimes committed by American troops off base.

These GIs would be tried under Iraqi jurisdiction. The Iraqis also want to inspect all US military shipments entering or leaving Iraq. The agreement must be approved by the end of the year, or the US military would have to suspend all operations in Iraq.

The GALL, however we never should have been there in the first place. It's obvious they are quite capable of securing their own land.

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