Tuesday, October 21, 2008


They say the media is having a love fest with Obama, but this Palin revelation is not getting as much traction as Ayers, or Rev. Wright. This is fair game, especially after she made the claim Sen. Obama has been "pallin" around with terrorists (plural!!!!), but again, O let's the liberal media, and voters do the fact checking, as he continues to take the high road. That's just one reason he is my choice for the next President of the U.S.A.

Another thing.... I guess what they say is true. If you have an ounce of Negro in you, you're a still a N!&&@!. Because the Sen represents both extremes in terms of race (White Western Woman + Black African Man, from Africa) , he was raised by his maternal (white) grandparents, but routinely he is classified only as the AA candidate..... It's okay, we'll take him.

Why can't he be like Tiger Woods, Calabasian (or whatever), NO, because they want to slander him, and blacken him up as much as possible. All that is missing from the McCain campaign thus far is tar and feathers, but the Socialist label has been getting major traction, so I guess the tar is on hold for now.

If he wins the Presidency, and does a good job, I'm sure the revisionists will take tha t opportunity to write about his lineage to famous Caucasians, and his mixed heritage, then they'll probably recreate his image as well, as Christ's image was revised several times throughout history, to the point where he now resembles a caucasian European.

I don't know if he'll be successful, but I know, instinctively, this man is head above shoulders more intelligent than his opponents, and not just because he is an Ivy League graduate, that graduated at the top of his class. I know, based on his policy, that his goal is to create a better quality of life for Americans, but specifically, the Middle Class (majority of US).

He represents the entire Human race, race wise. A comparison to Sarah Palin is slanderous, intellectually, she isn't even in the same stratosphere. Funny thing is, the conservatives have many believing Obama will take away the American dream... Hello!!!!! Your dreams are currently being outsourced to Latin America, India, China, and any other country that offers cheap labor, while big business continues to receive BILLIONS in tax breaks to "create jobs/wealth". Not to mention the bankers squandering over 2 trillion of "OUR" retirement portfolios down the drain. But, check to see how many jobs were lost this year alone in the U.S.

While the foreign economies are on the rise, our economy is flailing. Now were actually borrowing money from "s ocialist" China to pay our debt, and, pay for Middle Eastern "Terrorists" oil, while our deficit soars. WOW!!!!

VideoOlbermann: It's Palin doing the pallin' - Countdown with Keith Olbermann- msnbc.com

Transcript excerpts: And of course, Governor, those same dopes, and we media morons, we are not smart enough to ask about that pesky Alaskan Independence Party, and why you recorded a speech for its convention last March, and why your husband remained a registered member of it until 2002, even though it was founded by a man named Joe Vogler who wanted Alaska to secede from the United States. The way the South seceded, precipitating the Civil War.

The same Joe Vogler who once said:
"The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government, and I won't be bur ied under their damn flag.”

And who also said:
"I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions.”

Your opponent's guy Ayers wound up on a volunteer anti-poverty committee in Chicago. But your guy Vogler wound up founding a group that wanted to rip one of the stars off the American flag! But I'm assuming you've been "palling around” with your husband. But, gee willikers, Governor, you know what's best.

You're not one of these Washington insiders who would notice that though that's a straight line connecting you, your husband, and this Alaskan secessionist, you're*standing under a banner with the campaign slogan "Country First” and if somebody out there puts two and two together they might just ask, "which Country dja mean? The Country of Alaska?”

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