It's unfathomable that this guy still has the gall to think statements like this are funny, or even appropriate, in the midst of the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression, and, 2 WARS, that he PREEMPTIVELY STARTED, the next President will inherit, and have to clean up. UNBELIEVABLE!!
We didn't need to engage in 2 WARS... As I said, at the time, all we NEEDED to do was send in our Special Forces to find those responsible for the atrocities of 9/11, and KILL them all, as we are currently doing now with "surprise attacks/care packages/drones" being sent to kill suspected Al Queda operatives.
This course of action would have saved the American public billions, not to mention the thousands of lives (American, Iraqi, Afghan, etc), that would have been salvaged as well.
Just in case there was any doubt left that this is, unequivocally, the WORST, now LAME DUCK, President EVER, cut and paste the link below to see for yourself.....
"You guys may be back next year, but not me (HEHEHEHEHE)". THANK GOD!!!!!!!!
Albeit, this was said in jest, at the Stanley Cup White House ceremony, but the sad part is, the joke is on all of U.S.
********** ********************* (takes a little work, go to "where's Bush" video link once you get to the site)
I must admit, the article below is a surprising, yet refreshing admonition from a Post columnist. The McCain campaign has abandoned all of his Maverick qualities, in his desperation for VICTORY. Socialism is NOT the answer, but that's NOT what Obama is proposing.
Funny thing is, the McCain campaign has effectively disillusioned the uninformed into believing Obama will truncate "the American Dream" by taxing them, in order to promote his "Social Agenda" and give away hard earned "Regular Joe's" tax dollars to those who pay No taxes at all... Which is an absolute farce, to say the least?
Increased disposable income for middle class Americans will boost the economy, businesses, and ultimately, the tax coffers, tremendously. Maybe then, we could start paying down the National Debt, which the sitting President was implicit in bloating with his preemptive War policies (Bush Doctrine), unbalanced budgets, and the recent Wall Street bailout. Not to mention the Nation's infrastructure is desperately in need of repair, we're falling behind the rest of the world in education/production/economy, and the cost of living continues to spiral out of control... Who do we think is going to pay for all of this, our great great grandchildren??????
God forbid a "Regular Joe" making $250++ would have to pay a little more, in order to secure his own, and the Nation's as a whole, well being. Go figure.........
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Last updated: 4:54 amOctober 24, 2008
Posted: 4:29 amOctober 24, 2008
ONCE the McCain campaign said Barack Obama was a terrorist sympathizer, we should've have known "socialist" was next.
Ever since Obama told "Joe the Plumber" that we should "spread the wealth," John McCain and Sarah Palin have taken to blasting Obama's tax plan as a socialist plot. Socialism involves collective ownership of the means of economic production and similar institutional "sharing of the wealth." Nothing Obama has proposed comes close to that. (Instead, the Bush administration is virtually nationalizing the banks.)
What McCain calls socialism is actually just old-fashioned progressive taxation - taxing the wealthy at higher rates than the poor. It underlies most of US tax policy - so mainstream that one of its biggest defendershas been . . . John McCain. Debating in Michigan during the 2000 primaries, McCain warned: "There's a growing gap between the haves and have-nots in America, and that gap is growing, and it's unfortunately divided up along ethnic lines."
That same year, McCain said on "Meet the Press": "Many studies have indicated that . . . the people who need . . . the relief most are working middle-income Americans and that's what I want to give to them." In an ad, he promised: "There's one big difference between me and the others - I won't take every last dime of the surplus and spend it on tax cuts that mostly benefit the wealthy."Socialist!
In fact, McCain is such a socialist that he voted against the 2001 Bush tax cuts, complaining that they unfairly favored the rich "at the expense of middle-class Americans who most need tax relief." The McCain campaign has also bizarrely begun calling Obama's tax credits "welfare."
For example, Obama's refundable tax credit for mortgage payments originally went to everyone, even if they didn't work. Responding to the "welfare" charge, Obama has added a work requirement - so now retirees won't benefit from the tax credit. Thanks, Sen. McCain.
It also looks like McCain is pushing a little "welfare" of his own: The centerpiece of his health care plan is a $5,000 tax credit to families. This goes to people regardless of their employment status. Socialist! Sure, the credit just replaces today's break for employer-provided insurance - but it does potentially go to people who don't pay income tax. Why isn't that socialism?
Conservatives are also calling Obama's health-care plan "socialized medicine." Yet Henry Aaron, a top health-policy expert at nonpartisan Brookings Institution, laughed at this characterization. He calls Obama's plan "exceedingly moderate," noting that it builds incrementally on existing insurance programs. It won't tell private insurers what benefits they must cover beyond a basic package.
In fact, liberal New York Times columnist Paul Krugman attacked Obama's plan as overly modest (compared to Hillary Clinton's) several times during the primaries. Unlike places like Britian, which doeshave socialized medicine, Obama wouldn't put doctors to work for the government.
If you like your current policy, you could keep it. If Obama's plan is "socialist" because it means a bit more government involvement in health care, than America already has socialized medicine for the elderly (Medicare) and the poor (Medicaid). Maybe all this is why the "socialist" attack doesn't seem to be working.
In the most recent Wall Street Journal/NBC poll, Obama led on "better on taxes" 48-34. A month earlier, McCain was ahead 41-37. Could the taunt of "communist" be far behind?
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